This is my first blog post on Blogger!
Learning How to Write Like a Journalist
Does journalism get a bad rap? I think it does. By definition jour·nal·ism is the activity or profession of writing for newspapers, magazines, or news websites or preparing news to be broadcast. In effect, journalism is something we partake in every day. As we go to and fro, much of what we see in the world is viewed through the filter of journalism. Whether by a TV advertisement, radio news show, or YouTube blogger, each of us has found a journalistic personality or channel that we trust to introduce us to current events, new takes on an old idea, or just a fun respite from the monotony of life. As a consumer of journalism, I never knew why a particular piece makes me stop and pay attention. And that is important because I'm not only a consumer but also a producer of new technologies in my day job as a robotics researcher. To be successful in the long term, I will need everyday consumers to understand the advancements I make in my lab. If I can do what good journalism does well, p...
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