Calling Black Engineering Ph.D.’s, Your Country Needs You!
Our country's ability to lead the next technical revolution requires that we find more black students for engineering graduate school. The Internet has made it easier for American companies to target consumers worldwide. But with that expanded reach comes the necessity to design products for a more diverse consumer. It’s a challenging task, especially for companies with traditional engineering workforces. And frankly, sometimes the results are not just poor but embarrassing. Not long ago, Google experienced one such diversity-linked failure that took a toll on its public image. While using artificial intelligence to build a facial recognition system, Google trained its computers to recognize skin tones according to the Fitzpatrick Scale developed in 1975 for work on skin cancer patients. When Google debuted its facial recognition system, the public was not amused. The system famously misclassified black faces as gorillas! No one knew why. Then it was discovered that the Fitzpa...